comments on: 10 reasons why construction schedules fail - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses tue, 14 jan 2020 17:19:32 +0000 hourly 1 by: abdel // wed, 13 dec 2017 04:58:02 +0000 // hi, frank

good article , the fact is that in construction projects many changes happen during the construction process , contractor submits his claim on disruption and delays and client approval comes after many months during which the construction schedule become out dated, this is the problem that makes the pm, staff pay less attention or ignore the schedule. so if client resolve claims promptly on time as indicated in the contract then the schedule will do its function. .

by: derek e graham // mon, 05 dec 2016 17:23:27 +0000 // in reply to avraham frank.

yes, think of the emperor’s new clothes. they are quick to want to dumb down to spreadsheet data before they even understand cpm. that way, their vacuum of cpm knowledge will remain private.

by: derek e graham // mon, 05 dec 2016 17:17:10 +0000 // in reply to hatem ismail.

sad to say i can relate to your experience, hatem. you need to do your best to set the dynamic as project controller so that you can somehow dictate from a position of strength, rather than weakness. this is sometimes inachievable. i’m a little long in tooth in the industry to be called incompetent, these days, but i’ve been called worse, usually with no good reason.

by: avraham frank // mon, 05 dec 2016 15:58:07 +0000 // i agree, many times its also because of the attempt to cover up a lack of knowledge.

by: hatem ismail // sun, 04 dec 2016 06:11:16 +0000 // it may be strange to say that in some cases pms and team members may accuse the scheduler of incompetency and uselessness just because they do not like him personally (e.g.he is not friendly enough from their viewpoint) although they have no idea about even 5% of his work.

by: avraham frank // fri, 02 dec 2016 18:23:53 +0000 // great article! i’m on a big program at the moment and this section of your article quote: “construction management team members who are ignorant of cpm can be detrimental to the process when they prove to be unwilling students – too proud to learn.” i’m experiencing this first hand, its surprising how unwilling some pms are to learn especially those that lack scheduling knowledge and don’t know some basic principles.

another issue i’m experiencing first hand is actually the inverse of what you mentioned. too many update requests. however, the update requests are driven by an obsession with dates rather than logic and duration. this creates a schedule that is treated like an excel spreadsheet were plugging in dates is the norm rather than a true cpm schedule that takes logic and duration’s and populates dates,generates a critical path and calculates float.

by: derek e graham // thu, 01 dec 2016 13:52:08 +0000 // in reply to randall wyandt.

thanks, randall. the most important thing i learned is that learning is a lifelong process. it seems we learn more from challenges and frustrations than we do when everything goes right.

by: randall wyandt // wed, 30 nov 2016 20:27:04 +0000 // reading the article brought several nods of agreement. obviously mr. graham has learned many lessons from real world frustrations.
