power of productivity

we all want to be and feel productive everyday. somedays you feel like thor, knocking off the tasks like he swings mjilnor to bash bad guys. and other days, it’s more like you’re stuck in “ground hog day” – endlessly repeating the same tasks over and over to no end, seeming to get nowhere.

maybe it’s time to check your productivity system. what tools are you using to stay on top of that endless todo list? how are you avoiding distractions? do you schedule time for the things that matter most? or are just stuck in trying to please everyone while getting nothing done.

methods for becoming a productivity master are not a one size fit all formula, but you can be sure to find one that works for you.

if you’re working under a deadline and want intense focus check out the “pomodoro technique” – it’s a proven method to reduce procrastination.

got too much to do and feeling just a wee-bit overwhelmed? you need prioritization. it’s time for the “eat that frog” technique and get clarity on what truly deserves your attention.

gtd (or getting things done) has been a wildly successful technique for capturing everything (not just work, but home stuff too) in a system and progressing your work based on context or where you are. the book is worth a read.

maybe you have your own way to be productive, or better yet, customize your own formula by combining a few different methods.

the powerful productivity infographic below outlines 5 ways to completely revamp your project productivity style. we can all use a productivity shake-up once every few months. now is a great time to see how you can improve before the end of the year.


how do you stay on top of your workload? what is your project productivity method?  share your tips with us in the comments section.

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