comments on: 7 earned value management formulas to know for project controls - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses mon, 16 sep 2024 14:59:28 +0000 hourly 1 by: bob tipu // fri, 22 oct 2021 19:57:12 +0000 // in reply to manish dhungana.


spi=ev/pv=6000/10000= .6


eac=bac/cpi=200000/.76 = 263157

i hope i am correct…am a learner at this…

by: michael lepage // wed, 09 dec 2020 16:13:52 +0000 // in reply to sherif sidky.

bac can be bigger than pv which means that you had cost-overruns. you spent more than you planned to spend.

by: sherif sidky // wed, 09 dec 2020 14:32:54 +0000 // in case of a well-planned project, can the bac equals the pv in any project or it must be bigger than the pv????

by: ujang sonjaya // tue, 05 may 2020 16:36:43 +0000 // in reply to murali cheekala.

how about non man-hours? as we know that in the resource have 3 option (labor, materials, and non-labor, how we can measure the non-labor?
if the pms can be based on man-hours so the non-labor is not include to the evm?
if non-labor can be converted to the labor, how to do it?
can we assume that the non-labor as the labor, so we can calculate man-hours?

please help me
thank you in advance
ujang sonjaya

by: mohamed shaban // sat, 14 mar 2020 15:56:59 +0000 // thanks for sharing this nice article. i’m teaching this subject to my master’s degree students. morethan i wrote &published textbook in arabic language about 8 years ago. now my task and effort are concerted on it implementation on arabic construction
immediately .
best regards

by: michael lepage // tue, 12 mar 2019 20:17:06 +0000 // in reply to bobby brown.

thanks bobby – that is correct and i’ll need to amend the article for completion.

by: bobby brown // mon, 11 mar 2019 16:22:25 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

actually there are 3 formulas for eac since the eac is the ac + bottom-up etc
1. for etc at budget rate (i.e. future work will be accomplished at the planned rate) use: eac = ac + (bac-ev) = bac – cv

2. for etc at present cpi (cpi is expected to be the same for the reminder of the project) use: eac = bac/cpi

3 for etc considering both spi and cpi use: eac = ac + [(bac-ev)/(cpi*spi)]

by: michael lepage // mon, 09 apr 2018 01:09:08 +0000 // in reply to ruwan hewavitharana.

hi ruwan,
thanks for the feedback.
here’s a link to this article in pdf format.//

by: ruwan hewavitharana // sun, 08 apr 2018 11:27:24 +0000 // the article is very important to me because of i am pursuing ccp. i want to do a presentation of cost control for my company and i would like to get one of power point presentations on the same.

by: manish dhungana // sat, 02 dec 2017 23:23:18 +0000 // install and test software for 100 servers over 10 days at $200 per server. current situation: 5 days of work, 30 servers completed, $7800 total cost. please calculate cpi, spi, eac, ecd.

by: ferdinand ancheta // thu, 15 dec 2016 04:58:42 +0000 // in reply to ferdinand ancheta.

oppsss…it should read as ecd will now then your realistic finish date…if your earned value is accurate.

by: ferdinand ancheta // thu, 15 dec 2016 04:56:36 +0000 // i want to add these formula:
teac – time estimate at completion (duration / spi)
ecd – estimated completion date (start date + teac)

ecd will now then your realistic finish date using if your earned value is accurate.


by: michael lepage // tue, 06 dec 2016 21:37:21 +0000 // in reply to mustafa.

mustafa, i’m not sure where you see eac = bac – cv, but the formual eac = bac / cpi is correct.

by: mustafa // sat, 03 dec 2016 19:41:55 +0000 // michael

for calculating eac, article says as eac= bac-cv, but the formula below the article says as eac=bac/cpi. the both formulas giving different values.
please advise.

project manager
cecon contracting, dubai

by: praveen malik // thu, 14 jan 2016 14:05:09 +0000 // hi michael,

good presentation of formulas. for your readers here is comprehensive list of all evm formulas –

praveen malik

by: praveen malik // thu, 14 jan 2016 14:02:44 +0000 // hi michael,

good presentation of formulas. for your readers here is a comprehensive list of all evm formulas

praveen malik

by: michael lepage // fri, 13 nov 2015 18:59:09 +0000 // in reply to esther joy.

glad you liked it!

by: esther joy // fri, 13 nov 2015 12:18:39 +0000 // thanks for giving such a nice article . the information you shared will help me to get a good knowledge.

by: colum o'donovan // fri, 30 oct 2015 03:03:16 +0000 // great note michael, it’s very appropriate at the moment

by: murali cheekala // thu, 29 oct 2015 05:17:54 +0000 // based on my experience, the success of implementing evm in a project depends on the accurate calculation of the % of physical work complete.

in a complex mega project, having multitude of activities, a comprehensive progress measurement system (pms) has to be developed to calculate the actual % of work complete. the pms can be based on man-hours or cost weightage basis.

with out an accurate progress measurement system, evm will be of limited use for project controls personnel.

by: azad pasha // wed, 28 oct 2015 08:06:35 +0000 // hello michael,
great !
this will be a complete set with those items :
bcws : budgeted cost of work scheduled
bcwp: budgeted cost of work performed
acwp : actual cost work performed

maybe an s-curve graph of a project in execution phase will be appropriate to show all those terms.
have you thought of the learning curve ? and its effect on the evm ? i would like to contribute with an article about it from my own experience .

keep up the good job !


by: michael lepage // mon, 26 oct 2015 14:08:23 +0000 // in reply to islam katta.

imk, best of luck on your project. thanks for reading!

by: islam katta // sun, 25 oct 2015 18:57:48 +0000 // hi michael
hope this message finds you in best health.
many thanks for your email. coincendently i had my superiors visited me last week from italy (astaldi). the earned value topic was the main in our discussion. i’m now in turkey in their larger health campus project,etlik as the pcs manager.
i emphasize i do appreciate it.
best regards
