worldwide mega construction builds

what if you were given a construction project budget of $15 billion and your project ended up costing 3 times that amount once everything was said and done? it might seem outrageous, but it’s quite common for major construction builds to double or even be 5 times over budget.

so what happens next? some serious payment plans of course!

was it due to poor cost estimations, unforeseen market conditions or did the builders just get carried away with an amazing design? no one is quite sure.

so how much did it really cost to build some of the most monolithic structures in the world?

check out the infographic below for planned and actual costs of the top 12 major builds that broke the bank globally.

infographic: over-budget construction projects in comparison | statista

source: statista

not too surprised by these numbers? test your estimation skills with some additional global projects from the recent past. take our quiz on the world’s biggest construction projects – did they come in on time and on budget?

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