project management according to google autocomplete

ever wonder how project management is portrayed according to the globally charged search engine google?

at times you don’t quite know how to say what you want to search for in google, but nevertheless you continue to type something into the search engine anyway, hoping that it will tell you what you were thinking. this is nothing new; the suggestions tend to be entertaining, unexpected, may lead you astray, and possibly be impolite.

so we’ve decided to undertake our own google auto-complete investigation and let me tell you, google has no special treatment for anyone.

these humorous auto-generated phrases may or may not be surprising to you. please don’t take these auto-complete suggestions to personal and please don’t be offended as this is not coming from us. below is what comes to the minds of those utilizing google to find information about project management, project controls, and their immediate contemporaries.

here goes, just have a laugh and be stress free!

project management is…

google autocomplete project management is

project managers according to google auto-complete

google autocomplete project managers are google autocomplete project managers need

google autocomplete project managers do google autocomplete project managers are

engineering according to google auto-complete

google autocomplete engineering is google autocomplete engineers are google autocomplete engineers will google autocomplete engineers should google autocomplete engineers need to

project planning according to google auto-complete

google autocomplete project planning is

google autocomplete project planning are

pmi is…

google autocomplete pmi is

pmp is…

google autocomplete pmp is

have you come across any interesting google auto-completes? feel free to share them with us.