comments on: a go-to guide to building a cringe-worthy primavera p6 schedule - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses thu, 17 oct 2019 19:38:35 +0000 hourly 1 by: cyrille dury // mon, 13 mar 2017 06:43:05 +0000 // nice article! however i strongly disagree with point “10. [don’t] muck with the bar colors”.

using standardized green-normal/red-critical bars layouts is the best way to discourage colleagues to actually use your schedules, as no-one but the planner really knows what’s going on in it. i’ve been using colors extensively for years to provide heads-up on the tasks content; for example, using color-code based on work packages or main equipment will immediately provide additional information and save readers the trouble of looking up the detailed description of all tasks. so agreeing with the team of a particular color code (even a completely rainbowy-one) at the beginning of the project will definitely add value to the schedule. (obviously avoid modify it once everyone is accustomed to it)
and indeed, since i spend 10h a day meddling with thoses rectangular little bars, i’d rather have them looking lively and funky than boringly dull monochromatics. two birds down with one stone.

by: peter // fri, 07 oct 2016 14:01:12 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

leveling works great in the right context. putting in imposed false logic creats problems during execution and prevents the usage of risk analysis simulations

by: michael lepage // thu, 24 sep 2015 13:58:13 +0000 // in reply to linda nelson.

thanks for the comments. i’m with you – i think leveling is a feature that is grossly overstated – users expect the software to do the detailed work of analyzing overallocations and correcting them one at a time. i’ve only ever seen it used properly on plant shut-down projects using a particular scheduling technique. perhaps i’ll have to revise at add leveling as #12.

by: linda nelson // thu, 24 sep 2015 01:15:31 +0000 // so i’m doing it right. glad to know i’m not the only one. i tell prospective planner-wannabes that planning is more of an art than a science. no two planners develop a schedule in exactly the same way. but if they follow these basic commandments, they should do just fine.

i would add a 12th item to the list: depend on primavera to completely level your project. i’ve been using primavera (and other programs) for over 25 years and i’ve never seen leveling work properly. i’m not saying it won’t work; i’m saying i’ve never ever seen it work, and i quit using it after i saw my mentors fail miserably (and embarrassingly) at it over and over. now i see the fresh-out-of-expensive-training-noobs insisting it’s the only way to go, only to see their schedule crash and burn on day 3 of the project. i’ve found that a properly detailed, well thought out and correctly tied schedule doesn’t need much leveling. i hope the new planners take your 11 commandments to heart.

by: libin jacob // tue, 25 aug 2015 10:38:04 +0000 // very good article…..

by: libin jacob // tue, 25 aug 2015 10:31:28 +0000 // in reply to ratheesh.

mr. ratheesh,
after changing the schedule to l5 set it as secondary baseline and your previous l3 as primary baseline.

by: ratheesh // mon, 20 apr 2015 20:26:27 +0000 // dear lepage
i have a baseline schedule in level 3, i want to make it in to l5 for detailed daily updation. is it required to change my baseline schedule also to l5 or i can update in the l5 schedule and assign the l3 baseline. a detailed answer required.

by: michael lepage // wed, 11 feb 2015 18:56:51 +0000 // in reply to charles wright.

good one. thank you charles!

by: michael lepage // wed, 11 feb 2015 18:47:55 +0000 // in reply to prad.

i know it’s limiting. i’m working on a proof, but i’ve been told by experts that p6 has bugs in date calculations when using multiple calendars.

by: prad // tue, 10 feb 2015 20:14:57 +0000 // not sure i agree with using only one(1) project calendar

by: jim minard // sun, 01 feb 2015 17:22:26 +0000 // i enjoyed this presentation. great job mike.

by: charles wright // fri, 30 jan 2015 07:33:33 +0000 // another one for you.

a space in your schedule table may represent a business or project process that was not completed. treat blanks as flaws in your schedule, code assignments, steps, expenses, udfs, resource units etc. ask every column as a question against every activity / wbs, it may help you develop more meaningful schedules, with fewer activities, which are easier to manage…

by: ziq // tue, 09 dec 2014 13:37:51 +0000 // this is great..thanks for sharing

by: plannertuts // sat, 04 oct 2014 22:45:21 +0000 // in reply to samuel odemo.

hi samuel. you can either do what’s in this tutorial for large projects or you can reenter your durations so they are proper after a calendar change. happy to answer questions about workshops in the forums on our premium site – best to post your questions there.

by: samuel odemo // sat, 04 oct 2014 21:31:57 +0000 // really enjoyed the ten plus one (10+1=11) commandments artfully crafted by you. just want to know why it is necessary to reenter my original durations after applying a calendar before scheduling. proud to be a member of

by: dinakar // mon, 15 sep 2014 14:04:57 +0000 // hi michael,
very nicely explained the do’s & dont’s of planning in p6. is there any use at all for start-to-finish relationship?.

thanks once again for publishing this article.

by: michael lepage // tue, 09 sep 2014 14:25:36 +0000 // in reply to jeremy clarke.

jeremy, you’re welcome to cut and paste it into word doc for the time being. i’m considering converting to slides. m

by: michael lepage // tue, 09 sep 2014 14:22:58 +0000 // in reply to g. vann.

maybe i’ll draft that convincing-them article, but it might be a book!

by: michael lepage // tue, 09 sep 2014 14:21:55 +0000 // in reply to joel v. cornelia.

my pleasure joel. thanks for the comment.

by: joel v. cornelia // tue, 09 sep 2014 12:43:48 +0000 // kudos mr. lepage,

these are the common mistakes if a planner will fail to look at details in developing his schedules. at times when i was asked for my opinion or comments i often encounter most of these errors. even the experienced planners will benefit from this article. common planning pitfalls and how to fix them.

thanks for publishing these pointers. it will be a great help for the aspiring planners. nice one.

by: g. vann // tue, 09 sep 2014 10:53:08 +0000 // now you need an article on convincing them that their way is not the best way after you’ve found these errors/practices. the “excel is better” situation is the one i cringe at most.

by: jeremy clarke // tue, 09 sep 2014 10:45:33 +0000 // i like this, can i get it as a file to use in our planner community?
