comments on: is modular construction the future? [infographic] - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses fri, 18 oct 2019 15:20:56 +0000 hourly 1 by: derek e graham // sat, 10 dec 2016 21:59:07 +0000 // in reply to avi frank.

avi, they have been using modular in towers for sometime now in china. here is a 57 story that went up in 19 days.

the dark horse is that such modularization nets variable experiences to different people. it hearkens back, and was concocted in maoist china.

by: avi frank // fri, 09 dec 2016 19:37:20 +0000 // interesting article. the comparison is very simplistic and although theoretically it makes sense in my mind this mostly applies to relatively small structures. how will a 100 story skyscraper be built using the modular construction method? there will be issues with transporting such heavy components?
how will the top floors be assembled using this method? a crane will carry an entire floor? that thought is scary and dangerous? the concept is great but is this practical?
