comments on: an in-depth look at what’s new in primavera p6 15.1 - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses tue, 16 jul 2024 19:50:26 +0000 hourly 1 by: moniem // fri, 24 mar 2017 18:26:42 +0000 // hi,

how can i get acopy of p6 15 for free

by: munna // sat, 24 sep 2016 10:39:17 +0000 // how can i sign in

by: michael lepage // wed, 06 apr 2016 14:02:48 +0000 // in reply to ferdinand ancheta.

in truth, i’m not all that familiar with it. unifier is a cost management and contract management tool in 1.

by: ferdinand ancheta // wed, 06 apr 2016 01:54:45 +0000 // i should say ares prism and deltek cobra.

by: ferdinand ancheta // wed, 06 apr 2016 01:53:39 +0000 // hi michael,

can you please provide me inputs about unifier ? is this as effective of p6 prof. in terms of scheduling? is unifier has the capability ifn resource management/histogram like p6 ?

in addition, is unifier for cost management purposes like prism or cobra ?

many thanks.

by: michael lepage // fri, 26 feb 2016 15:58:25 +0000 // in reply to hesham hasan.

read this post: //

by: hesham hasan // mon, 22 feb 2016 04:33:59 +0000 // dear michael,
could you please till me how i can open a file prepared and exported by p6 version 15 , by using an older version from p6?
thanks & regards

by: michael lepage // thu, 13 aug 2015 14:27:09 +0000 // @jana – yes eppm comes with a version of p6 professional that allows it to connect to the eppm database. so eppm users and p6 pro users can work on the same data. that software is included in the eppm download zips. it’s called something like “p6 professional for eppm”.

by: michael lepage // tue, 11 aug 2015 18:01:16 +0000 // in reply to duncan forsyth.

hi duncan, i have a suggestion – please email me directly –

by: duncan forsyth // mon, 10 aug 2015 16:09:45 +0000 // hi michael,

i’ve had p6 version 8.x training – beginning & advanced – over a year ago, but as i’ve not been a “daily driver” of the tool i wouldn’t feel comfortable portraying myself to prospective clients as proficient.

any online 世界杯时间比赛时间 (or other) that you would recommend using that once re-familiarizing myself with the tool i could use to keep skills current?

much appreciated!

by: jana // fri, 07 aug 2015 19:41:52 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

that’s what we’re planning on doing, as we’re also considering switching from oracle to sql. i thought i understood, though, that there was a desktop client that could still be used with eppm. currently, our planners/project developers use a desktop client to create and edit projects, while pms and other use the web client to view projects. the planners/project developers would prefer to keep using their desktop client to develop project plans,

by: michael lepage // fri, 07 aug 2015 18:46:59 +0000 // in reply to jana.

the performance is slow only on the eppm (web side). usually p6 professional (windows) runs well and fast in my experience. i like the appeal of a web-based project portfolio management tool – we definitely need some web-based pm tools. but performance is more important than features when it comes down to it. i recommend you stand-up a test install of eppm and run some performance checking on it.

by: jana // fri, 07 aug 2015 15:11:42 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

that’s actually very helpful, thank you. are you finding performance issues only when you are using the web client, or are there also performance issues when using the desktop client with eppm?

by: michael lepage // wed, 05 aug 2015 20:58:49 +0000 // in reply to jana.

hi jana, i would say that most versions beyond 7 are very stable for p6 professional. for p6 eppm some of the newer versions have made changes in the underlying infrastructure software that eppm runs on. i wouldn’t say don’t upgrade p6 eppm to version 15.1 but i would ensure you have a consultant help you who knows those underlying packages well. i implemented 15.1 for a company who didn’t have eppm at all and we ran into many performance issues that we are still working at resolving. i’m losing my desire to want to work with eppm until it performs better.
hope that helps,

by: jana // mon, 03 aug 2015 15:02:31 +0000 // we’re tasked with upgrading from version 7, sp 3 to some newer version of both ppm and eppm. do you find that 15.1 is a stable version? if not, would there be a version that you would recommend? thank you for any insight you can give.

by: michael lepage // mon, 20 jul 2015 19:50:39 +0000 // in reply to bob maier.

hi bob,
good question. the xer file parser hasn’t really been maintained by oracle for a long time. it works because it creates older version xer files but since oracle supports importing older versions, the file parser still works for us. so i think you’ll still be ok for the meantime. you’ll just have to work in an older version of the xer file format.

by: bob maier // mon, 20 jul 2015 18:33:18 +0000 // hi michael,

is there a xer file parcer that is compatible with version 15.1 ? i have heard rumours that the parcer file might be going away for the latest version. i use the parcer to upgrade and down grade global to project codes for exports between 2 separate company databases. please advice. thanks.


by: michael lepage // wed, 20 may 2015 13:51:49 +0000 // in reply to ali.

for anyone looking for a copy of primavera p6 15.1, 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 doesn’t distribute the software. please visit

by: michael lepage // wed, 20 may 2015 01:09:27 +0000 // in reply to anil.

here you go: primavera p6 professional vs eppm

by: ali // tue, 19 may 2015 03:08:54 +0000 // hi.
is possible download primavera 15 ?????????????????

by: r. kent vaughan // mon, 18 may 2015 18:29:50 +0000 // we at my company have also been frustrated with primavera web performance and lack of tools (filtering, etc.. ) available in the client. we’re about to rollout version 8.3.8 (from 6.7) and during our testing of eppm discovered that, when importing an excel file you can only add new activities, not update existing. that’s another large gap between client and the web. the primary reason we export/import using excel is to allow us to export data, manipulate it in some way, and import it back in to the same project. we had an oracle instructor on site and at first told us we were not using the correct import “template”. upon further investigation with her contacts, she told us we could only add data, not modify existing. huh?

by: anil // sat, 16 may 2015 04:31:55 +0000 // good morning sir,

what is major difference of primavera client and web

by: daniel webster // tue, 21 apr 2015 16:24:32 +0000 // if you can provide a stand alone version or any other demonstration, please contact me at my email to discuss.

by: rajeev // sat, 18 apr 2015 05:12:57 +0000 // sir, can you provide stand alone version for p6v15.1- test module.



by: michael lepage // fri, 17 apr 2015 15:36:43 +0000 // brooks, thanks for your comments. you and your team sound pretty frustrated with the whole affair. and i do agree that oracle pushes eppm often for the wrong reasons. speed is #1 for users these days – people don’t put up with slow internet, slow phones, slow pcs – so why should we put up with a slow project management tool?

i believe a web-based tool is the future, but maybe not eppm – unless it gets a major performance overhaul. i’m guessing that’s why oracle created primavera prime which is apparently completely re-engineered. but will it get there in time? like you, i’d like to see more improvements to professional – i think i mention this every time there’s a new release.

by: brooks // fri, 17 apr 2015 15:08:12 +0000 // as an organization, we absolutely hate eppm and feel swindled by oracle into buying it. none of our users like it and we constantly have issues with different versions of java. it got bad enough that none of our users use eppm and everyone is back on the desktop. not to mention it’s still much faster for seasoned schedulers to schedule using p6 professional. i am happy that many of the administrative features have returned to the desktop client. so there’s a small win, i guess.

if p6 wasn’t such an industry standard, we would jump to something else in a heartbeat.
