ask 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间
 primavera p6 wbs calendar

ask 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 . primavera p6 is a great scheduling tool, but i hear from people who struggle with p6’s calendars alot. here’s another ask 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 question about wbs bars and calendars from tom, a project scheduler:

“in primavera p6, the calendar on the wbs lines is different than the calendars that i’m on seeing on each activity. what gives? how do i fix this problem?”

yes. this is confusing. it’s confusing when you see that the calendar on the wbs line is not the same as the calendar on the activities below in primavera p6. why is this happening?

well, in truth, there’s nothing to worry about here. let’s recall that calendars are not assigned to wbs elements, they are only assigned to p6 activities. and the wbs lines on-screen are really there as part of p6’s group & sort feature. when activities are grouped, these wbs lines also summarize the data that is below them.

but sometimes the summary data on the wbs lines gets out of sync with the data below.

often this happens when you change the calendar of the activities and the summary bar hasn’t quite caught up. this out-of-sync situation can also happen if there are many different calendars on the activities that are being summarized under the wbs bar.

don’t worry. i’m likely to tell you to ignore it all together. there isn’t really a problem here in terms of your schedule.

but, there are those, perhaps like yourself, who like things to look a certain way. for you, i say, try hitting f5 in primavera p6 to refresh the screen. you can also refresh from the file menu as we show you in the video.

so, do not concern yourself too much with what calendar you see on the wbs lines in primavera p6. but do concern yourself with what calendar you see on the activities, for that is where calendars are assigned.

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