comments on: convert an eps activity code to a project activity code in primavera p6 - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses wed, 12 jan 2022 17:27:51 +0000 hourly 1 by: michael lepage // mon, 28 may 2018 20:33:59 +0000 // in reply to trey russo.

hi trey, please click the subscribe button at the top right of the page to subscribe to our blog post updates by email.

by: trey russo // mon, 28 may 2018 19:59:50 +0000 // this was really help and please keep my email address and send me all new updates and any help and how to videos.

thanks trey

by: michael lepage // thu, 28 apr 2016 20:23:16 +0000 // in reply to karthi.

probably the only way to do it is to export the current project to excel along with the activity code fields. do the same with the baseline project. using excel, copy the activity codes from the first project to the baseline project. update the baseline project by importing the excel file.
i tried another way, but it didn’t work, so excel is likely the best option.

by: karthi // thu, 28 apr 2016 13:27:30 +0000 // how can i assign project activity codes from one project to other.(suppose if i have activity codes in the as built i want to assign these activity codes to revised baseline schedule)

by: ljubomir sindzirevic // tue, 01 mar 2016 05:06:21 +0000 // we wanted to send to our sub-contractor the coding structure. the problem was that our planner has created a huge coding structure, but all codes as global. xer file did not see them at all… so the subcontractor got the project without any codes. planner did one clever thing: asigned each code value to one activity (one act – one code value) and did xer – says it works (i have not seen it) – it “transfers” the coding structure to a new project as you do import (xer). but you have to have as many activities (dummies) as code values… can’t say for sure it works as i haven’t seen the xer and did not try myself. for me replacing global with project.
i have just now done the same – replaced as_global with as_project… it did not work as i wanted – the result is that p6 simply ignored the new “asignment” of global codes to project codes and again asigned the same codes to global, so i ended up with duplicate set of codes (all global codes are simply repeated twice). obvoiusly searsh-replace is not enough – some more ajdustment of xer shold be done, don’t know which…

by: david cumming // thu, 21 jan 2016 10:02:25 +0000 // hi adarsh,
realise it’s a while ago – but did you get an error message, or did p6 import them as global?

by: adarsh shetty // fri, 04 apr 2014 14:30:35 +0000 // i tried importing global codes sent in .xer file by a contractor. changed as_global to as_project to in ms notepad saved and imported the file. this did not work.
any thoughts!

by: tm // mon, 28 oct 2013 11:23:42 +0000 // thanks michael. its working fine.

by: michael lepage // wed, 23 oct 2013 19:56:39 +0000 // @tm
here’s another workaround.
1 export the project to .xer file.
2 edit the .xer file in notepad
3 search for as_eps – you’ll find this in the actvtype section of the file where the activity codes are defined for the project
4 change as_eps to as_global (for global activity codes), or as_project (for project activity codes).
5 import.

let me know how it works out.

by: tm // tue, 15 oct 2013 08:30:14 +0000 // hi thanks for this wonderful tutorial. i can not copy the project with eps codes into another eps any other having eps not having such codes ( due to my access restitution at another eps level).

i want to do this another way according to my understanding,eps activity codes are there even in xer when we export project. the reason it was not imported to other machine because eps structure will not be the same as in importing machine database so therefore it will be ignore all eps codes not matching with import file. if this is true then i if we make exact duplicate of eps in importing database machine then all eps codes should work ? i tried to exactly create data base in importing machine like eps name, eps id but fail. my question is is this way is possible , if it possible in this way then what eps characteristics ( id, name etc) i should ensure so that it works normally.

by: 6 ways to clean up your primavera p6 database nightmare // fri, 23 aug 2013 19:00:28 +0000 // […] p6′s ability to store data inside a project. items to focus on: global calendars, activity codes, global […]

by: husein fawaz // tue, 23 jul 2013 03:16:03 +0000 // i am a planner in jakarta for oil&gas epc, the tutorial is really helpful. kindly inform me if any new tutorial to


by: ritchie // wed, 20 feb 2013 14:18:27 +0000 // i have a question for you.

i have a task(a) that has several predecessors sf. i want the task (a) to start as early as possible, however it is obviously being driven primarily by the predecessor task with the latest start.



by: sajid // sun, 12 feb 2012 17:18:53 +0000 // it is really helpful. rather i would say all tutorials and videos are very very helpful. please keep up the good work and upload more video tutorials. we are waiting anxiously for the more stuff. also if possible please add my email id to the list so that i receive all new updates.
thanks a lot!!!

by: sajid // sun, 12 feb 2012 17:18:53 +0000 // it is really helpful. rather i would say all tutorials and videos are very very helpful. please keep up the good work and upload more video tutorials. we are waiting anxiously for the more stuff. also if possible please add my email id to the list so that i receive all new updates.
thanks a lot!!!
