comments on: the essential guide to printing layouts in primavera p6 - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses tue, 25 jul 2023 08:36:42 +0000 hourly 1 by: mohammad // tue, 25 jul 2023 08:36:42 +0000 // hi michael,
good morning,

first, thanks for your valuable shares. is there any way to print more than one layout in one go to pdfs? i have 40 contractors, and i need to share their plans every week, but i do it one by one.

thanks in advance,
stay safe

by: henry // tue, 07 jun 2022 16:17:06 +0000 // help,

i’m trying to print a schedule, in the header i need to show (gmt +3:00) but no matter i did, i am not able to make the + symbol to appear. always end up with (gmt 3:00).

any advice would be appreciate it.

by: ivan // mon, 17 jan 2022 03:49:42 +0000 // is it possible to use user fields as variables in the layout, or maybe there are other solutions? since the length of the “project name” field is limited, and sometimes i need to use a long project name in the layout when printing.

by: michael lepage // thu, 12 aug 2021 20:55:43 +0000 // in reply to claudio martins moraes.

hi claudio – are you referring to a time-scaled logic diagram? if so, you can do that in visualizer. goto tools->visualizer and build one in there.

by: claudio martins moraes // fri, 30 jul 2021 18:45:59 +0000 // i trying to print a layout as p6 can organize organize pert streamlines in a time scheduled, similar as p3 automatically reorganize pert streamlines in a time scheduled by weeks for exemple. how can i do on p6 professional version?

by: matteo // mon, 19 apr 2021 11:12:27 +0000 // hi,

how do you solve the problem that all of your screenshots have in the yellow group title?
i mean: the wording has been cut, so how would you solve this?
i would never print such a layout with a cut and unreadable project title .


by: jean // wed, 29 jul 2020 17:11:56 +0000 // does anyone know how to create a variable for project id that includes all the ids when more than one project is open. right now it just shows the first project and “…”?

by: kate // fri, 03 jan 2020 14:25:03 +0000 // has anyone been able to figure out a way to get the primary baseline name to print [the baseline is a ‘variable’ that can be selected in the header/footers – but not primary/tertiary or secondary].

by: vijai // wed, 18 apr 2018 11:10:35 +0000 // thank you

by: elsa // mon, 02 apr 2018 05:32:17 +0000 // for some reason when i try to print an image in the header of my schedule, the image shows up in the print preview, but when i print the image doesn’t print. is there an easy fix to this? p6 v8.2

by: elsa // mon, 02 apr 2018 05:31:53 +0000 // in reply to mike zollner.

did you fix your problem ? how??
i’m facing the same problem.

by: business cash advance // fri, 30 mar 2018 23:06:36 +0000 // hi there. thanks for this info! useful article!.

by: mike zollner // tue, 07 feb 2017 23:31:16 +0000 // for some reason when i try to print an image in the header of my schedule, the image shows up in the print preview, but when i print the image doesn’t print. is there an easy fix to this? p6 v8.2

by: johnny // tue, 07 feb 2017 09:46:58 +0000 // hi all. apologies if this query has already been raised but i did not see it as i scanned through. is it possible to change the colour of certain columns. for example, if i include columns for baseline start and finish dates as well as current start and finish dates is it possible to highlight only the current start and finish columns to distinguish them?

many thanks


by: chris // tue, 31 jan 2017 22:21:33 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

is it possible to export/transfer tasks from primavera to a simple block diagram?

by: yogianand // mon, 05 dec 2016 09:37:24 +0000 // to change the color, font size and height for only wbs not activity.
2. how to create the s curve ? please provide me step by step details.
3. when i am going to create pdf there is lot of white place is created, how to i handle that ? to export in excel format.

kindly reply this query if anyone knows


by: fouzul // wed, 07 sep 2016 03:28:49 +0000 // i’m trying to print a schedule that has all of the margins set at 0.25. everything looks good in print preview and when i actually print, to either pdf or hard copy, it prints with only the left side having the thin margin. all others leave lots of white area. is there anything i can do to fix this?

by: -trish // thu, 09 jun 2016 14:57:55 +0000 // when i print, the grid lines are not all showing in the activity table for each activity, and in the ghantt chart, i have set to show month/week. some of the weeks are showing a light purple fill. how do i fix these issues?

by: cindy thomas // wed, 03 feb 2016 20:57:47 +0000 // how do you handle report options when you have multiple projects for one client? we typically have a footer line that has the client name, then below that the project name, then below that the type of schedule. i have tried using the project id but that has to be different for each project. is there a code i can insert into a custom label that will pull the eps title?

by: kate // wed, 16 dec 2015 17:32:14 +0000 // when i try to use the variable current month [cm] in header it gives me 01-dec-15, instead i only want december to be printed. how do i change the setting. also how to adjust how much part of the pdf should be the activity table and how much for gantt chart? thanks in advance.
– kate

by: emma seaton // thu, 29 oct 2015 06:02:58 +0000 // does anyone know how to get table font and row colours to work on the wbs page of p6 pro? the group rows shows colours but it’s all just white on the wbs page itself.


by: sriram // tue, 13 oct 2015 01:32:13 +0000 // in reply to evan.

i had a similar issue with more than specified white area in the right and bottom margin settings. changing the screen resolution in the display settings fixed the issue. i wouldn’t have thought of this connection had i not remembered changing the screen resolution couple of weeks ago.

can anyone let me know how the screen resolution overwrites the print settings in p6? or was it the re-logging which i had to do after restoring the previous resol. setting that addressed the issue?

by: michael lepage // mon, 21 sep 2015 14:10:11 +0000 // prasad, this happens when you are not showing the gantt chart in your layout, then you try to print. since the gantt chart is not on-screen, there are no options to configure how it will print. first, display the gantt chart in your layout, then goto print preview and you will see the options.

by: prasad // sun, 06 sep 2015 06:54:50 +0000 // dear , congrats to maintain this website. in primavera p6 , i know how to print gantt chart, activity usage profile but now the options in page setup is not visible to select the gantt chart or any . !! it is just showing grid lines and icons check box.

can you please help me out what should i do ?



by: evan // wed, 03 jun 2015 18:51:24 +0000 // i’m trying to print a schedule that has all of the margins set at 0.10. everything looks good in print preview and when i actually print, to either pdf or hard copy, it prints with only the left side having the thin margin. all others leave lots of white area. is there anything i can do to fix this?

by: renee // sun, 03 may 2015 20:28:57 +0000 // hi there
i have a layout that shows activities collapsed to the summary wbs level and i can see the bars i wish to see on the screen, however when i go to print it, it will only print the name of the wbs and not the bars? i have the print gantt chart ticked in the options page.
thanks in advance.

by: plannertuts // wed, 04 mar 2015 19:13:06 +0000 // in reply to jeff.

hi jeff,

1) goto view->table font and row – you can set the table row heights in there.
2) i like a 2 line timescale myself. right-click in the gantt chart, and choose timescale. set your timescale there. also if you are trying to print this, make sure you go to the options tab in the page setup screen. you’ll have some timescale options there as well.


by: jeff // tue, 24 feb 2015 16:34:22 +0000 // im hoping you can shed some light on how to over come these two issues.

1) how do i expand the bar height on the gantt chart. my issue is activity name is tagged center under bar lables so that it sits on the bar rather then below it or to either side. gantt chart bar is to narrow for font and if i reduce font to fit its to hard to read.

2) how do i manipulate timescle info on the gantt chart. currently im using three lines for timescale format with type = calendar and date interval = month/financial period. this gives me top line = year middle line = month and bottom line = year, month, day (2014-02-01) where does this data on the bottom line come from? my issue is it only shows up in certain months and not in others.

by: jonathan swindells // fri, 20 feb 2015 10:11:50 +0000 // hi very useful site and some good tutorials. is there any way of showing individual project titles when multiple projects are open and being printed?

by: david // sat, 23 aug 2014 22:35:15 +0000 // thanks, should have thought about that approach. simple now that you point it out.

by: plannertuts // sat, 23 aug 2014 07:38:16 +0000 // in reply to david.

in your layout, goto view->group and sort and check the box labeled “hide if empty” – this will remove any wbs that has no activities under it due to the filter. that should clean things up.

by: david // thu, 21 aug 2014 03:40:45 +0000 // this is good, but i am struggling to find out how i can print only those activities that have been filtered. at present the print shows those activities and all the wbs titles where the activities do not match the filter. this view is very cluttered and distracting, and i would like to print without the superfluous wbs titles. fine to keep the wbs titles for the filtered activities, but not the others.

by: rinesh // wed, 06 aug 2014 04:46:38 +0000 // nice to see all comments. i am using eppm 8.3. how can i print the activities with company logo or any images in the header. i couldnt see the option for insert picture in page setup.

by: glenn post // mon, 30 jun 2014 00:55:27 +0000 // nice clear instructions mary and the final step in this process would be to save these settings with a layout in the format needed, as a few people commented. so save a new layout for different paper sizes, different headers, footers etc. otherwise next time when you open another activity layout, the setup you just did is permanently lost.

by: jaswinder singh narula // mon, 17 feb 2014 16:18:22 +0000 // i am facing the problems paper size selection say one of the programme i want to print on a3 & other programme on a1 p6 will not allow to this say i change the paper size from a3 to a1 this will change the paper size for the privious programme also.

by: yaser taqi // sat, 05 oct 2013 03:39:52 +0000 // thanks you are providing a good services. it can help us in preparing the gantt chart with activity

by: arun rajen // thu, 13 jun 2013 04:43:32 +0000 // i am facing the problems of viewing the font size, alignment, etc in header and footer. i am not able to see the icons for doing that… it is showing like

>?@ blaw blaw….

by: luis quintino // wed, 05 jun 2013 15:32:07 +0000 // what is the process to save the report printing layout that we configure as a default layout.
as i open the p6 i’m forced everytime to follow the procedure of adapting the report options.

by: stella // sat, 13 apr 2013 15:07:17 +0000 // i find your web-site very infromative. i am trying to print a school project sheet 13″x19″ but it keep coming back small. any suggestions.


by: tarek dia // fri, 15 mar 2013 14:05:08 +0000 // thanks for the comment

your comments
