comments on: solve primavera p6 import from excel problems with asap utilities - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses wed, 24 aug 2022 16:08:39 +0000 hourly 1 by: aman // wed, 24 aug 2022 16:08:39 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

project list is showing blank when importing an excel file to existing project using import in p6

by: jalil // fri, 02 oct 2020 20:41:58 +0000 // in reply to gabriel contreras.

do you find any solution?

by: jalil // fri, 02 oct 2020 20:41:00 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

i´ve tried your proposed solution, but p6 does not recognize the decimals. p6 only import all as a whole number

by: michael lepage // tue, 30 jun 2020 18:28:14 +0000 // in reply to madhura phadke.

no you should be able to edit budgeted or actual costs even if the activity is completed. are you importing costs at the assignments level or at the activity level? resource assignment costs (if they exist) tally to the activity level cost.

by: madhura phadke // mon, 29 jun 2020 19:26:46 +0000 // for uploading budgeted cost into primavera, i have done all the right things people say, – using resource assignments, unchecking calculate costs frim units, uploading text formats but it still is not getting uploaded. i should add an note that i am trying to do this for activities that are already completed. does primavera not allow modifying budgeted cost of completed activities?

by: michael lepage // mon, 24 feb 2020 20:57:27 +0000 // in reply to gabriel contreras.

here’s a suggestion to fix the issue:
this is an issue with excel where cells are not formatted as text.
the cells in the file are formatted as general, not text.

1) add a leading apostrophe (‘) in the cell at the beginning of the number.
adding the apostrophe (‘) changes the format to text.

2) change the excel format to text using the drop down from the right-click format menu.
changing the excel cell format to text using drop down is not actually changing the cell format to text.
it only changes the style of the excel cell.
it is also necessary to edit the cell (by double clicking the cell) after selecting the format from drop down to actually change the format.
if changing the format using the drop down then we don’t have to add an apostrophe separately.
but as it is an issue with excel, we have to double click the excel cell after we have changed the cell format to text via the drop down.

note: the above 2 solutions can be tedious if there are hundreds of rows and many columns to be updated.
adding an apostrophe or having to double click in each such cell could require much additional effort.

3) there is another quick formatting option as well for bulk changing of cells.
you can select the entire column –> go to data tab, in data tools select text to columns –> click next with delimited selected –> uncheck all delimiter check boxes and click next –> select text in the column data format section and click finish.
this should format the entire column as text.

by: michael lepage // mon, 24 feb 2020 20:54:36 +0000 // in reply to um.

hi um
the issue with the apostrophe i believe has been fixed in recent versions, so i do not believe it is necessary anymore.
if you were able to import successfully then you’re ahead!

by: um // sun, 23 feb 2020 19:30:19 +0000 // hello michael,
i have the issue regarding editing the imported excel file.
i am tying to update the remaining resours units in excel, i put apostrophe before rhe numbeds but when i import it back to p6 it showing me error. however when i undo the update the import to p 6 was sucessful. can you please explain how to edit numbers and dates in p6 properly so i will save our time.


by: gabriel contreras // tue, 18 feb 2020 21:35:11 +0000 // hi michael,

could you help me with this:

i need to import the budgeted units; in my excel file, i use two decimals separated by a comma, for example, i have 155,57 hours.

but when i do the export process primavera load my data as 15557 hours.

so, p6 gives me this message error “budgeted units mus be between -9999999999,00 and 9999999999,00

i’ve tried change between comma and point in the currencies option but i could not correct this mistake.


by: michael lepage // fri, 14 sep 2018 14:47:30 +0000 // in reply to marco.

marco, for act_cost to import try to make it a number, not text. i’ve had success both ways and p6 may be smart enough now to know the difference.

by: marco // thu, 13 sep 2018 15:01:34 +0000 // what about expenses…? i need to import “act_cost” from excel sheet “projcost”. in excel i created a formula like this one =concatenate(“‘”;replace(vlookup(a3;fromp6task!$a$1:$e$1000;4;false);”.”;”,”)) (the formula is translated from italian…hope i catched the proper formula in english)

the formula works and add an apostroph…when i import i get the error
error: column act_cost: invalid value or data type mismatch. discarding the value
strange is that if i go back to excel , enter a cell and click on return, the apostrphe disappeare from the view but it is still there and the upload works fine…
i’m going crazy..
why does’nt works..i would avoid to enter all the cell..!!!
thank you for any tip

by: vrinda // tue, 24 jul 2018 09:10:00 +0000 // my budgeted labor units as compared to resource assignment sheet is not matching… and how it can be rectified??budgeted labor units is 769873 & budgeted units 770121… advise please.

by: michael lepage // wed, 20 dec 2017 20:37:57 +0000 // in reply to salman.

what fields are you trying to import? will need to know about more about what you’re trying to accomplish.

by: salman // sun, 10 dec 2017 07:17:47 +0000 // hi
i’m using p6 (version 7), and facing issues when importing cost data from an excel file.
“calculate cost from unit” box has been checked off and apostrophes (‘) are in place. but still after performing the import, although a message appears indicating that the import was successful, nothing happens and the old values as still in the plan. could it be because of the program old version or something else?

by: shahriar parvaz // wed, 28 dec 2016 12:04:43 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

i get below message while trying to download:
“you do not have the required access privilege to download this patch.”

by: michael lepage // tue, 29 nov 2016 16:09:53 +0000 // in reply to robert landen.

this caused by a known bug in p6 16.2. it’s fixed in a recent service pack that you can download here: mind you will have to login to oracle’s site to download it.

by: hassan // mon, 28 nov 2016 08:36:28 +0000 // in reply to robert landen.

hi robert,
i got the same error and appreciate your help.

by: shahriar parvaz // mon, 21 nov 2016 04:39:54 +0000 // in reply to robert landen.

hi robert, i have same issue with p6 16.2 version. in case you find the solution please inform me as well,
thank you.

by: robert landen // mon, 14 nov 2016 14:19:36 +0000 // recently, tried importing an excel but while importing thru p6 there was an error message : “user preference used to create this excel file are not sama as your current preference”

i made the export first & copied the data wanted in the columns and it just won’t go & i have done this processs over 1000 times with other p6 environments. i am using a stand alone p 6 16.2 version.

any ideas?

by: a.saloum // sun, 08 may 2016 13:43:51 +0000 // it’s importing the excel sheet and saying successful importing but without changing in budget unit which i changed on the excel sheet. i don’t know why? please advice.

by: casey // wed, 20 apr 2016 21:09:56 +0000 // i have tried everything i have seen here and a couple other tricks i have found elsewhere to import my price/unit on materials 世界杯时间比赛时间 . no matter what i do my price per unit stays at $0. if anyone has any ideas i’m open!

by: beau // wed, 18 nov 2015 19:48:37 +0000 // can 世界杯时间比赛时间 be added to an existing resource library via excel spreadsheet import? i’m able to change the resource library manually. it also says my imported changes are accepted, but when i go to verify, the changes are not there. please, advise how to do this.

by: jm // fri, 12 jun 2015 02:31:04 +0000 // thanks for this advice michael.
the article appears to be suited to cost loading using the resource assignment function – i am cost loading using the expense function and am not able to import any expense data from excel.

anyone have any advice on this – i have set the data in the import field to be text, including the apostrophe prefix, and have checked “auto-compute actuals” is turned off on all of my expenses…

thanks in advance 🙂

by: amir // thu, 04 jun 2015 04:47:37 +0000 // after i had finish inserting all project activities in .xls sheet i tried to imported into p6 then i got this error tmfd-0370-4 (too many field defined), while all the cell in excel sheet have the apostrophe. please if u have any idea about this help me asap. because i have to submit this program next week.

by: winnie // tue, 17 jun 2014 08:27:05 +0000 // hi michael,

can you please tell me
i have the per floor concrete, formwork rebar quantities and cost with me.

now i need to load it into p6 and there are 20000 activities

i dont know how to go about it

should i use excel or manually load it per floor in p6
please advice


by: michael lepage // tue, 29 apr 2014 18:18:34 +0000 // in reply to kowe oluyemi.

i’m sorry, i do not understand. can you please explain your issue in more detail. i’m not familiar with cot data.

by: kowe oluyemi // tue, 29 apr 2014 05:27:21 +0000 // please how do i get this solved? when i import primavera programme in to my primavera, the cot data changes in no particular other, and the currency settings on the origin programme is the same as mine settings. please do anyone have a solution to this?

by: zoltan palffy // fri, 07 mar 2014 11:30:05 +0000 // make sure that calculate cost from units is not checked if it is
you will have to run a global chnage to set it to no

by: shalani // fri, 07 mar 2014 07:44:26 +0000 // hi. i’m having trouble importing labor unit from excel to p6.

my total budgeted labor unit in excel is 100,000 but when i import into excel it became 136800. please advice what could have gone wrong? tried all ways but could not figure out the error

by: michael lepage // wed, 23 oct 2013 19:40:29 +0000 // @william – try keeping the wbs field in the spreadsheet and edit it making sure it matches the wbs of your destination project, then import. i tested and it worked for me.

by: michael lepage // wed, 23 oct 2013 19:34:41 +0000 // @zoltan – thanks for the comments – i will update the tutorial with your comments about the “calculate units from costs” setting.

by: michael lepage // wed, 23 oct 2013 19:32:46 +0000 // @jen,
strange… the only thing i can think of is if you had done a project import on that project from an .xer or .xml file afterwards (or someone else did). seems silly, but making sure you have open the right project, and not a copy of it that does not have the changes.
hope that helps.

by: william brainerd // tue, 22 oct 2013 19:27:00 +0000 // i used a gobal to mark a field (mp_12_cpi) with x if the total float was critical. i then exported into excel. all work great. however when i tried import this file with excel in to another schedule after deleting everything but the activity id. p6 would not accept this data even though the data was text. where did i go wrong?

by: jen // tue, 22 oct 2013 19:22:04 +0000 // hello – i’ve had a strange issue when importing activity code values and hoping you could help. i downloaded and used the asap utility as recommended and i receive no errors upon import and my data shows up as intended. however at some point in time the activity code values revert back to their value before the import. any ideas why this might be happening? i cannot find any specific “triggers” – yesterday i imported – everything looked great – i mad no additional changes exited and when i reopened p6 today they had reverted back. thanks for any help!

by: zoltan palffy // fri, 11 oct 2013 17:12:12 +0000 // you need the apostrophe ( ‘ ) !

the big yellow sticky note

by: peter ayre // fri, 11 oct 2013 16:09:36 +0000 // which note?

by: zoltan palffy jr // fri, 11 oct 2013 15:16:13 +0000 // the note about the cost code needing a leading apostrophe to import cost information is not correct. the reason that you can not import costs usually has to do with the calculate cost from units it checked.

by: peter ayre // wed, 09 oct 2013 11:07:59 +0000 // regarding my previous post – importing cost account id’s with resource definitions, the trick is to first delete all the affected resource assignments and then re-import them with the required cost account id info. p6 does not seem to like adding this info to resource assignments that already exist.

@s roy it is always recommended to only import excel files that have been first exported from the same project and then modified.

by: s roy // wed, 09 oct 2013 09:46:38 +0000 // recently, tried importing an excel but while importing thru p6 there was an error message : “user preference used to create this excel file are not sama as your current preference”
when cheked the userdata worksheet, it was found that the field ‘showaspercentage has value=0’ whereas in my setting this field ‘showaspercentagehas value =-1’ otherfiels have same values.

please advise how to slove this error, as while importing the fields are not properly imported in the project

by: michael lepage // fri, 23 aug 2013 19:07:05 +0000 // @peter_ayre
this is going to be a bit more than we can troubleshoot over comments. if you’d like to contact me directly about this issue, email me at

by: peter ayre // tue, 13 aug 2013 02:37:15 +0000 // michael, have you had any luck importing cost account id changes from excel. i’m trying to change a resource assignment from one cost code to another existing code, but into the resource assignment export to excel it only lists the the cost account level id eg. concrete, not the full hierarchy id eg. area10.level1.concrete so p6 basically ignores any changes. i know you need to keep the cost account name unique in order to see the full id in activity exports, but surely you do need to have unique id’s at every hierarchy level too?? whats the point of a hierarchy?

ps regarding the wbs re-sorting it has to do with a hidden sort order that i’m yet to work out, but you can see it by parsing the xer file. search for parsing details on this planertuts website.

by: michael lepage // fri, 17 may 2013 00:32:07 +0000 // i would try going to the wbs screen, and using the arrow buttons on the left-hand toolbar to reorder then (up and down).

by: ajith abeygunawardana // thu, 16 may 2013 17:53:45 +0000 // when i import .xer file to primavera p6 professional r8.2, wbs is not in sequence. please advise how to correct it.
thank you very much in advance.

by: paul vagrin // tue, 22 jan 2013 18:35:46 +0000 // there is a more flexible way to introduce the apostrophs. you can use the “format painter” button from excel to copy the text formats.

by: ramanathan // tue, 25 dec 2012 17:12:16 +0000 // i was trying to import my till date updates to my baseline (which is loaded with 世界杯时间比赛时间 newly).when i am importing my updates from excel to this baseline it is showing some different floats than the original updated programme.please advice why it is so?

by: elie // sun, 18 nov 2012 18:31:48 +0000 // i relly like this site, it is educational and easy to learn.
