comments on: translate a primavera p6 project to a different language - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses fri, 18 oct 2019 15:42:17 +0000 hourly 1 by: atanu // mon, 29 jul 2019 14:09:43 +0000 // in reply to emad.

hi emad,

please let’s know how you did it?

by: michael lepage // fri, 31 aug 2018 13:38:25 +0000 // in reply to muahmmad shafiq.

hi muhammad,
i’m sorry you’re having trouble. to my knowledge, p6 doesn’t support persian and that’s probably why you’re having difficulties.

by: muahmmad shafiq // tue, 28 aug 2018 07:43:43 +0000 // hi
dear michael lepage:
i am scheduling engineer in afghanistan, i am working for a private construction company, in some project we need to write the name activities by persian language, i did this all procedure but when a problem occur to primavera or i reinstall primavera in my computer, after importing of the related project to primavera, names of activities change to question marks.
what is the problem, primavera dose not support persian language.

by: michael lepage // wed, 02 may 2018 17:29:47 +0000 // in reply to a.j. wolnski.

hi a.j.
p6 supports japanese language. it might be the case where you will also have to set p6 to be in japanese.

if using p6 v8.0 and later, in the prmbootstrap.xml file, located %userprofile%\application data\oracle\primavera p6\ under the following section:

the language currently being used for the project management client application is stored: in the following registry key, unique to each user who logs into a workstation:

if using p6 v6.x – v7.0, in the following registry key unique to each user who logs into a workstation: hkey_current_user\software\primavera\6.0\shared\international
if using p6 v8.0 and later, in the prmbootstrap.xml file, located %userprofile%\application data\oracle\primavera p6\ in the beginning of the internationalizationsettings element:

by: a.j. wolnski // tue, 01 may 2018 22:50:13 +0000 // i am getting similar results as ravi above. the translation to japanese looks great in the excel file but when i import the excel file back into p6 it shows almost all questions marks in the activity name field instead of the translated text. ?????????? – ??????

any ideas for what i might be doing wrong?

thank you,
a.j. wolnski

by: ravi // thu, 26 jan 2017 12:25:42 +0000 // try to translate 8000 activity programme.but translation is not complete for every activity.for eg: ml-12 valve installation.
valve installation translated but ml-12 not.then when i imported all the russian language field are showing error with ??????? sign.please help.

by: michael lepage // tue, 13 sep 2016 20:09:12 +0000 // in reply to luis salazar.

thank you luis.

by: luis salazar // tue, 13 sep 2016 16:04:39 +0000 // hi michael,
it was great and simple the way we did. very useful tips, kind of basic but good enough!
thank you

by: michael lepage // tue, 06 sep 2016 14:54:08 +0000 // in reply to emad.

emad, what process did you follow to do this?

by: tibi ghita-istrate // tue, 06 sep 2016 01:13:47 +0000 // in reply to ed van der tak.

better yet, keep the original field unchanged and import the translation (or any alternative/ extended description) in a separate (user defined) text field (to be optionally displayed, possibly inaccurate pending a manual check, possibly longer than the standard field max length, containing unrecognised characters etc)

by: tibi ghita-istrate // tue, 06 sep 2016 01:02:30 +0000 // in reply to michael lepage.

wbs names (which is project specific data, but cross-referenced in database tables that span your eps tree, project, as wbs root, down to the lowest level of wbs) as well as most hierarchical global data structures (e.g. obs, res/ role bs, cost accnts, global/ eps/ project specific activity codes etc) can, or at least could, in 32-bit previous p6 versions, be modified using sdk (software development kit) and the some dedicated (macro-enabled) excel files.

nevertheless, wherever possible, consider using user defined fields (udf’s) created for the relevant entity (project, wbs, activity, resource, resource assignment, expense) in order to add (via regular excel export-import, global changes or sdk) any such alternative descriptions or extended narratives (e.g. for translations or extended text descriptions of up to 255 characters, as opposed to normally 20 for id’s and codes and approx. 120 for names and descriptions).

the advantages of using udf’s alongside the standard p6 fields is two-fold: trace-ability (as stated above) and safety. udf values (in this case text) can be edited (populated, modified) without restrictions, cleared (blank values) or even deleted (the udf itself) with little risk of overwriting, losing or corrupting project/ database data


by: emad // mon, 15 aug 2016 09:50:47 +0000 // dear michael
i have translated primavera p6 user interface to arabic

by: michael lepage // wed, 10 aug 2016 13:16:53 +0000 // in reply to karim.

unfortunately, wbs descriptions and activity code descriptions can’t be updated via excel in p6. i don’t have a solution for this, so for now, it’s a manual effort.

by: michael lepage // wed, 10 aug 2016 13:15:33 +0000 // in reply to g. longstreet.

it might be related to your versions of excel. read about 64-bit vs 32-bit in this post.

by: michael lepage // tue, 09 aug 2016 19:03:17 +0000 // in reply to ed van der tak.

ed, great suggestion!

by: karim // mon, 08 aug 2016 04:53:32 +0000 // thank you, but the problem how i can translate wbs and activity code descriptions?

by: g. longstreet // sun, 07 aug 2016 18:22:42 +0000 // great article. i have learned a lot reading them.

can you let let me know why i cannot import/export (via p6 16.1) using 64 bit. i followed the oracle knowledge base instructions to load access database redistribution and set to /passive.


by: ed van der tak // sun, 07 aug 2016 10:11:57 +0000 // great tip michael and very useful. i would however recommend to store the original text in a text field first before importing the translation. this also gives the opportunity to make a report with both languages (in case of doubts in the translations).
