comments on: types of schedule delays in construction projects - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses thu, 01 aug 2024 19:37:56 +0000 hourly 1 by: benjamin dg. // sun, 02 oct 2022 11:28:38 +0000 // in reply to benjamin dg..


excusable, means the project can be delayed because of events not in the control of both employer and contractor.

therefore, both employer or contractor cannot claim for any damages due to extension of time.

by: benjamin dg. // sun, 02 oct 2022 11:27:27 +0000 // in reply to benjamin dg..

means the project can be delayed because of events not in the control of both employer and contractor.

therefore, both the employer or contractor cannot claim for any damages due to extension of time.

by: benjamin dg. // sun, 02 oct 2022 11:24:14 +0000 // in reply to rajkamal.

yes. the diagram above is seen from the project timeline perspective.

excusable, means the project can be delayed because of events not in the control of both employer and contractor. therefore, both employer or contractor can claim for any damages due to extension of time.

non-excusable, means no excuse for the project to be delayed, and that either both the employer or contractor shall compensate the aggrieve party, subject to the agreed amount of damages incurred on each party. it is usually extension of time, or penalties/claim. if the aggrieve party is the employer, and he does not want to extend the time due to some reason, he may request the contractor to accelerate the work by crashing, increasing more labour force, and/or increasing more shifting in avoidance of liquidated damages from the employer.

by: benjamin dg. // sun, 02 oct 2022 11:10:28 +0000 // the assessment delay schedule flowchart is referring to the project itself concerning to the duty and responsibility of the employer and contractor. when the delay is excusable, meaning the project itself is stating that both employer and contractor is vindicated for that delay, though there was not compensation on it. examples of this is “force majeure “, or acts of god.

when the delay becomes non-excusable, the project states that either the employer or contractor is on default, and the aggrieve party reserves the right to be compensated. if the contractor delays the project as per his duties and responsibilities, the employer receives liquidated damages, i.e., 0.1% of contract value up to maximum 10% of contract, or as per stated in the contract.

if the employer defaulted his duty and responsibility, i.e., payments, access to sites, drawing & finishing approvals, the contractor reserves the right for extension of time and compensation. the challenge is to receive the compensation as it needs proof to be compensated. the proof is to show the critical path and activity to when and the duration it was delayed, and the affect of that delay to that particular activity. you may then look at your boq general requirements/preliminaries as basis of your calculation. it is wise to work on item per item in your preliminaries to identify what is affected. an example of your proof are as follows: salaries of staffs in charge of the operations. as for rental cost incurring during the delay, it is advisable to provide the employer of the day works for all the labours, driver, and staffs per day wages, and daily rental cost of all that equipment being used at site, to include the following but not limited to: scaffoldings, truck and bus rentals, cabins rentals, equipment and tools rentals, and even the accommodation of labour camp rentals can also be included.

above all these, the contractor should send the daily report list of activities happening at site for future claims and reference.

by: henok // sun, 10 oct 2021 11:51:38 +0000 // give typical factors which can result in project delays befor the firest deley event callculate on site

by: rajkamal // tue, 28 sep 2021 04:12:09 +0000 // the flow chart or the diagram represented above is correct?

by: muhammad // sat, 17 jul 2021 07:03:52 +0000 // in reply to lisa.

my question is regarding actual delay events (description) in construction claims. out of the following which one is an actual delay event and how to write a description in the report;
1- de-01 late release of design/drawings
2- de-01 late start of substructure due to design/drawings
3- de-01 late start of substructure

by: muhammad // sat, 17 jul 2021 06:56:00 +0000 // my question is regarding actual delay events (description) in construction claims. out of the following which one is an actual delay event and how to write a description in the report;
1- de-01 late release of design/drawings
2- de-01 late start of substructure due to design/drawings
3- de-01 late start of substructure

by: lisa // sat, 09 jan 2021 12:34:25 +0000 // whether a the type of schedule delay is excusable or not, it’s important to also assess whether the delay is critical or not. a critical schedule delay is one that impacts the project’s delivery date. if a delay has no effect to activities on the project’s critical path, then the delay may not warrant too much attention, unless of course there is some substantial money involved.

by: rm // tue, 18 aug 2020 20:41:16 +0000 // in reply to rm.

thanks for correcting the flowchart michael.

by: rm // mon, 20 jul 2020 01:49:52 +0000 // is the flow diagram above correct? (or am i not understanding?)

shouldn’t the diagram below the red arrow under the “excusable” box be under the “non-excusable” box?

as stated in the article: “non-excusable delays can be either compensable or non-compensable”
excusable delays would not likely be compensated.

by: michael lepage // tue, 09 jun 2020 16:38:31 +0000 // in reply to joseph.

i would engage a claims consultant to help you with these questions. mainly covid 19 will be handled as a force majeure type of delay. compensability will have to be analyzed.

by: joseph // fri, 05 jun 2020 17:47:34 +0000 // hello,
i am a subcontractor. the ownership of as hotel hired us directly . the owner of the hotel has also hired a construction crew management team which hires 90% of all the other trades. the construction has been delayed and in turn has not allowed my company to work as planned for our installation of the finishing items we install. the construction crew has cancelled our truck delivery last minute, not released full qty of rooms as promised and informed us last minute(day of install), etc. the ownership in who we have a contract with is who we will be seeking compensation from. we are half way through the project and have been operating at 35% of capability and planned. we are over budgeted at this point and the owner is asking us to increase man power to catch up to the original scheduled date. any suggestions?
also..where does the covid 19 situation delay of schedule come into play?
since the covid 19 we have been asked to only allow 1 man on elevator at each time when we typically have used 4 to 6 people per trip…we have a fast delivery system of product that has been hampered. the formal direction is for our crews from ownership is now to stay 6 feet apart (social distancing) while we work now. the usual team is shoulder in shoulder to accomplish the goal on time. is the covid-19 delay compensate-able ..if so how and by who?

by: david greig // sun, 29 oct 2017 07:00:11 +0000 // dear bilal rafiq,

are the respective works for installation milestone and sub-milestone related or connected.

i think i need a little more information in order to help you.

lastly, i wouldn’t suggest attempting to apply established case law. there are many widely accepted delay analysis principles which likely apply to your situation.


david (david at greig dot com)

by: bilal rafiq // thu, 19 oct 2017 11:59:27 +0000 // dear professionals

i need some advice on below scenario
we have project having milestones
one of the milestone is installation works, we have an extension of time earlier due to employer delays.
currently that work supposed to be finish in june, 2017 however we unable to complete the works by the extended date of the milestone.
as of october, 17 – we are still working on milestone.
in august – employer gave us access to one of the sub milestone activities which supposed to be earlier as per approved baseline programme. and this work in progress parallel to our works which we supposed to finish but not completed.
shall the employer delay are concurrent delays in this above case. any case law reference document will be much appreciated.

bilal rafiq
