comments on: update baseline feature in primavera p6 use or not - 瑞士vs喀麦隆足彩赔率 // project controls training & courses wed, 03 apr 2024 15:38:09 +0000 hourly 1 by: samuel // tue, 13 dec 2022 08:20:06 +0000 // i use it when exist a baseline for dates, but 世界杯时间比赛时间 were not loaded yet, so i can easily assign them in the original to issue a curve.

by: eric milne // wed, 30 nov 2022 23:09:04 +0000 // i agree with gordon, the update baseline feature is useful and why would you want to lose any record of delays (or gains) against the original baseline when adding new activities?

try using a filter to specify the exact activities you want to either add as new entries to the baseline or update the original baseline dates.

i like to use a user indicator column to pick the activities i want and filter on that.

it is of course best practice to take a copy of the original baseline, just incase you mess it up!

by: gordon andersen // fri, 14 oct 2022 13:39:34 +0000 // i use [update baseline] for every approved cr in the following manner:
1. cr 23 is approved and impacts 5 activities (3 already in scope but shifted right a month, and 2 new scope added).
2. in the current progressed schedule (u5 in the article) i forecast those 5 activities in accordance with cr 23.
3. [maintain baselines] —> copy current baseline (which has all approved changes incorporated prior to cr 23) —> rename copy with current date and “ cr 23” so i know what’s in that bl.
4. [update baseline] and *the key* “specify the activities to include” only include the 5 activities in cr 23 using an applied activity code (cr number) filter.
5. [assign baseline] to make the new bl with cr 23 the new project baseline.

this maintains no actual progress in our bl, maintains a consecutive history of all approved crs applied to the bl, and doesn’t change anything in the bl except those approved changes. so the other fc changes remain in fc space and show a variance to the approved bl (which does have other approved changes incorporated).

it’s worked for us pretty well over the 5 year life of our project and supports our ev system and monthly variance analyses we do. any thoughts or comments or questions?

by: purevdorj // wed, 31 aug 2022 02:02:46 +0000 // i completely agreed with michael’s idea. bl is bl. there is no need to touch baseline. if u touch baseline it will be a mess. believe me u cant imagine later what will waiting

by: mike markovic // mon, 22 aug 2022 05:49:23 +0000 // hi all,
i would agree with ali hosseinian.
updated schedule could have significant delays that might not be approved by the client. mixing scope change would bring “twisted picture” of the target…
add on the top of this that scope change takes often long time to be approved, and during that period we need baseline to monitor the progress.
mike m.

by: arif // sat, 28 may 2022 09:45:27 +0000 // update bl is used to compare to compare the insntaneous progress/dates on a particular day vs actual. usually
stored and compared as readily available are weekly or monthly numbers in spreadsheets exported from baselines, but if you want to see in the middle of the week or any particular day, it has to be based on update bl on that specific day

by: michael lepage // fri, 27 may 2022 15:23:08 +0000 // in reply to ali hosseinian.

ali – agree somewhat. stay tuned – i’m working on a better solution.

by: michael lepage // fri, 27 may 2022 15:20:00 +0000 // in reply to ali.

thanks! i’ve had some other feedback on this by way of linkedin. looks like my view on this is too narrow. while i’m not advocating for use of “update baseline” – using a current progress schedule and rebaselining with crs isn’t the right way to go about it either.
stay tuned!

by: ali hosseinian // sun, 22 may 2022 03:42:41 +0000 // in reply to ali.

hi ali,
i agree with your concern, i always follow michael’s advise but disagree this time. what if the past few months you had delay, by doing what michael suggesting, you eliminate all your delays just because of a change request. what i would do is i restore the baseline and add the new activities (scope), and take it back to the baseline. this needs more time and effort but to me is more accurate.

by: ali // thu, 19 may 2022 18:19:46 +0000 // hi michael,
thanks for your post. what if the client still wants to compare the non-cr1 related activities to be compared with b1?
