12 reasons why your brain craves vacation time

it’s that time of the year. the beaches are opened, the sun is out and vacation is on the mind, but when was the last time you actually took a vacation? a vacation where all you did was relax and not have to be connected? yes, for some it has been a while. in an article written by the wall street journal, us workers on average left five vacation days unused each year.

you may be saying to yourself “but i’m just too busy to think about vacation!”. i get it. with workloads increasing it’s understandable that vacation time would be placed aside or banked for an emergency – but do yourself a favor and take some time for you.

according to the infographic 80% of workers feel stressed on the job and it’s believed that people who use their vacation time are more productive and motivated. the society for human resource management found that a small percentage of firms offer unlimited vacation policies like the software firm hubspot inc. who encourages their employees to take at least two weeks off.

if you work hard you should play hard and take some time off to reboot and enjoy your successes. if your brain is craving vacation but your coming up with reasons why you can’t, check out the infographic from expedia below to learn 12 reasons why taking some time off is important and can help with your work-life balance.

12 reasons why your brain craves vacation time


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