{"id":1710,"date":"2021-10-27t11:00:12","date_gmt":"2021-10-27t15:00:12","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/?p=1710"},"modified":"2024-07-16t16:11:46","modified_gmt":"2024-07-16t20:11:46","slug":"clean-up-primavera-p6-database","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/clean-up-primavera-p6-database\/","title":{"rendered":"6 ways to clean up your primavera p6 database nightmare"},"content":{"rendered":"

this is the first part in our series on primavera p6 databases and data cleansing.<\/p>\n

many of you work in primavera p6 databases that are a complete nightmare – hundreds of global calendars, duplicate 世界杯时间比赛时间 all over the place, redundant codes and more copies of projects than anyone should ever need in their lifetime. you may act like these don’t bother you, but somehow logging in to p6 in the morning feels sort of like using the restroom at a crowded arena. you do your work, but you want to get out of there as quickly as you can.<\/p>\n

thankfully, i’ve got a few ways you can use immediately to start taking back control to get your database looking spiffy and new again. \u00a0here goes.<\/p>\n


clean it up!<\/h2>\n

duh! you saw that one coming.<\/p>\n

seriously, take 30 minutes with a co-worker and go through your p6 database to identify: old data to keep, data no longer in use, redundant data, unknown or mystery data.<\/p>\n

i guarantee those 30 minutes will be the most productive you’ve had all week!<\/strong><\/p>\n

then make a decision: export it, \u00a0delete it, or archive it.<\/p>\n

cleaning things up simplifies<\/em> them and calms the mind. the next time you log in, you’ll be able to get around much faster and easier. just do it!<\/p>\n


stop making everything global!<\/h2>\n

say it with me… “i will stop making everything global. i will stop making everything global. i will….”<\/p>\n

you get the point.<\/p>\n

use p6’s ability to store data inside a project<\/a>. items to focus on: global calendars, activity codes, global layouts.<\/p>\n

these 3 data objects hardly ever get created as “project” objects when in a lot of cases they could. look at your current project or the last project you completed. could those calendars you created have been project calendars? you can easily keep your db’s global objects list lean by creating objects as local to a project.<\/p>\n


audit your primavera super-users<\/h2>\n

open admin -> users and if you find more than 2 super-users, strongly consider revising access for anyone that does not require it to perform their job.<\/p>\n

if you have more than 2 super-users, then i know why your db is nightmare…<\/strong><\/p>\n

ready to know why?… because super-users create anything they want, whenever they want it.<\/p>\n

identify one administrator and one backup administrator. make these folks your gatekeepers and your data integrity managers.<\/p>\n

why would you make everyone in your company a windows domain administrator? same thing goes for p6.<\/p>\n


have somewhere to play<\/h2>\n

saunter up to your friendliest neighbourhood database administrator, and have them make a copy of your production database.<\/p>\n

declare it your sandbox – a place to create any projects you like, copy projects to your hearts content and generally make a mess….<\/p>\n

…so you don’t make a mess of your production database.<\/p>\n

a sandbox database is the best planning playground you could ever imagine!<\/strong><\/p>\n

use it for training new users, doing scenarios and previewing xers from other companies.<\/p>\n


get implementation help<\/h2>\n

curious question: if you were in charge of getting a new accounting system set up for your company, would you install it, login as the administrator and start logging expense transactions (all of this in the span of say, 15 minutes)?<\/p>\n

no, you wouldn’t.<\/strong><\/p>\n

you’d take some time to plan your set up before you started booking expenses. you’d ask: what accounts should be setup? what invoice templates? what workflow would be best? who should have access to what parts of the software?<\/p>\n

so why do this with primavera when it’s clearly an enterprise<\/em><\/strong>\u00a0project planning tool. (keyword: enterprise<\/em>)<\/p>\n

you wouldn’t set up an enterprise accounting system in 20 minutes and start logging expenses… so why do the same thing with your enterprise project management system?<\/strong><\/p>\n

many organizations install p6 and start planning right away, hoping to take advantage of the powerful features of the software, but with no thought into a proper setup of:<\/p>\n