{"id":1938,"date":"2022-04-20t12:30:43","date_gmt":"2022-04-20t16:30:43","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/?post_type=article&p=1938"},"modified":"2024-07-16t15:52:32","modified_gmt":"2024-07-16t19:52:32","slug":"4-ways-to-benefit-from-online-primavera-p6-training","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/4-ways-to-benefit-from-online-primavera-p6-training\/","title":{"rendered":"4 ways to benefit from online primavera p6 training"},"content":{"rendered":"

here in primavera-land it seems like elearning is the new norm! we’ve seen many traditional primavera p6 training providers launch online<\/strong> primavera p6 training<\/a> courses or some sort of primavera p6 elearning this year.<\/p>\n

quick brag….世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 has some of the best, most comprehensive courses you’ll find!<\/p>\n

from a learner’s perspective, this is a great opportunity as there are now many more options for learners who want primavera p6 training<\/a> than there were only 3 years ago.<\/p>\n

especially today as the primary industries that use primavera p6 the most (oil & gas, power & energy, engineering & construction) are riding the wave of technology and software innovation, there are quite a few companies that are embracing the move to online learning<\/a> and reaping the benefits.<\/p>\n

the benefits of online learning are becoming more relevant everyday in our increasing busy and connected world. here are 4 key benefits that come to mind.<\/p>\n


1 – your<\/strong> stride, vs\u00a0the classroom’s<\/del><\/h2>\n

already know that stuff? then skip ahead. it’s ok! we also have courses covering all knowledge levels from beginners<\/a> to advanced<\/a>.<\/p>\n

online training lets you take any path you like to learn what you need to<\/strong>. classroom training needs to be organized in a linear progression of topics that build on each other. but good online training<\/a> lets your explore, search and roam around freely so you can focus on a topic that you need to know about rather than have to wait for a classroom of students to catch-up.<\/p>\n

online courses are less likely to force you to follow a set learning path. most learning portals also let you search their learning content for what you need in the moment.<\/p>\n

finally, you can feel like that smart kid in algebra who was always waiting for the class to catch up!<\/p>\n


2 – don’t<\/span> limit your learning<\/span><\/span> to 3 days!<\/h2>\n

let me ask you – what can you truly master in 3 days?<\/strong><\/p>\n

riding a bike? learning to use the pvr remote control?<\/p>\n

how to plan multi-billion dollar projects primavera p6?<\/p>\n

primavera p6 classroom courses aim to teach you\u00a0the whole project management lifecycle\u00a0<\/strong>in p6 over 3 days.<\/strong>\u00a0(ok that’s a lot, most classroom courses really try to cram in a lot of stuff in a short time). you may think – “hey that’s great! i’ll learn a lot of stuff.” but in truth, you may forget a lot more than you learn. and that’s because of data overload<\/strong>. it’s simply too difficult to retain it all in such a short time.<\/p>\n

wouldn’t you prefer 365 days of primavera p6 training?<\/p>\n

online primavera p6 training<\/a> or any online training usually let you keep coming back to view and review as much as you need. really, you don’t need to learn how to progress in primavera when you’ve just started to the planning stages of a project – so why cram your head with knowledge you won’t use for 9 months? \u00a0why not learn it on-demand when you need it?<\/p>\n


3 – get more value out of your training dollars<\/h2>\n

let’s say a typical primavera p6 3-day classroom course costs a company $1500 per attendee. if you factor in travel expenses, meals and lost productivity, i would re-estimate the true cost at somewhere between $2000 to $4000 (travel expenses being the unknown). now break that down to a cost of between $85\/hr of training to $170\/hr of training per attendee. let’s average it to $125 \/ hr.<\/strong><\/p>\n

most online course providers charge significantly less for their courses, and offer you access to training material for extended periods, even up to 1 year. if you accessed your primavera p6 online training for only 5 hrs per month<\/strong> over the course a year, then your costs boil down to only $17 per hour<\/strong> of access.<\/p>\n

so why is online training seemingly more affordable? well, you don’t have immediate access to an instructor like you would in a classroom setting and that sort of access is perceived as worth a lot of value.<\/p>\n

but we have the next best thing – a super online support forum where you can ask those burning questions and still get the answers you need.<\/p>\n


4 – it’s on-demand<\/h2>\n

this is one of the biggest benefits around. you can sign-up for an online primavera p6 trainin<\/a>g course, and get started in minutes<\/strong>. it’s a major boon over having to find a classroom course in your area that is being offered at a convenient time, having to schedule time off and to find someone to cover your work responsibilities while you’re away. often that process can take days or weeks. the world is moving to “on-demand” and training is coming along!<\/p>\n



although we like online training here<\/a> at 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 , we’re not suggesting that classroom training doesn’t have its place as well. and it’s certainly not going away any time soon.<\/p>\n

but the world is evolving. we are living in a world of innovative technologies that changes every minute. like the ipad slowly replacing textbooks, there’s no doubt elearning is here to stay. and i am happy that here at 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 , i can offer you some of the best online on-demand primavera p6 courses available.<\/p>\n

want to find out more about 世界杯2022亚洲比赛时间 online primavera p6 training<\/strong>? check out these links!<\/p>\n