{"id":34180,"date":"2016-03-26t08:38:52","date_gmt":"2016-03-26t12:38:52","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/?p=34180"},"modified":"2024-08-01t16:09:21","modified_gmt":"2024-08-01t20:09:21","slug":"global-communication-styles","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/global-communication-styles\/","title":{"rendered":"international communication styles: how to better communicate with people around the globe [slideshare]"},"content":{"rendered":"

is your business culture\u00a0monochronic or\u00a0polychronic? traditional culture experts have divided people into these 2 types: monochronic are people who\u00a0do one thing at a time\u00a0and polychronic are people that do many things at a time. that was until richard d. lewis came along and found that there was a\u00a0whole culture missing.<\/p>\n

richard lewis, one of britain’s foremost linguists and founder of crossculture<\/a>,\u00a0says\u00a0that when doing business people should consider the type of business culture they\u00a0are entering to better communicate, adapt, and respond.<\/p>\n

for example, australians prefer a more frank conversational style while the swiss prefer a minimal bargaining method, and are interested in maintaining a friendly professional relationship at the end of negotiations.<\/p>\n

these ideas stemmed from lewis’ research on\u00a0cross cultural communication patterns by businesses across 23 countries. he found the traditional model had a major flaw.<\/p>\n

in response he developed the\u00a0lewis model which breaks down cross-cultural business styles into\u00a03 types.<\/p>\n

  1. linear active<\/strong> – these people do one thing at a time, are definite with their decisions, plan ahead and are job oriented. he states that the germans and american fit this category.<\/li>\n
  2. multi-active<\/strong> – these are people who are people oriented, does many things at once, are emotional, and get excited easily. he states that italians fit this category.<\/li>\n
  3. reactive<\/strong> – finally this category was added to include the asian cultures which didn’t fit in the older model. reactive people try to get others to establish what their intentions are which allows them to best modify their responses in order to create a more harmonious relationship.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    in today’s society communication has become instant where no matter the time of day we can still contact each other anywhere in the world. understanding the various cultural styles is key to successful communication<\/a> and lasting professional relationships.<\/p>\n

    learn to better communicate with people around the globe and check out these communication styles from 23 different countries.<\/p>\n