{"id":37121,"date":"2016-12-05t16:37:31","date_gmt":"2016-12-05t21:37:31","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/?p=37121"},"modified":"2019-07-30t15:21:22","modified_gmt":"2019-07-30t19:21:22","slug":"prevent-primavera-p6-hacked","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.deco-dalles.com\/prevent-primavera-p6-hacked\/","title":{"rendered":"5 ways to prevent your primavera p6 install from getting hacked"},"content":{"rendered":"

just over a week ago, the city of san francisco lost millions in revenue as a hacker’s attack left the city’s muni municipal transportation kiosk system completely inoperable.<\/p>\n

the trains and buses were running, but everyone was rode for free for 2 days as it experts struggled with a ransomware demand<\/a>. all muni computer terminals displayed the \u201chacked\u201d message: \u201ccontact for key (cryptom27@yandex.com),\u201d the message read.<\/p>\n

the hacker’s ransomware program had comprised thousands of pcs and servers at the sfmta, encrypting their harddrive data,\u00a0leaving it inaccessible without the\u00a0single digital key that would unlock it all. the hacker demanded 100 bitcoins, equivalent to $73,000 usd to release the key.<\/p>\n

however, officials refused to pay.<\/p>\n

even after the hacker threatened to permanently delete 30 gigabytes of data, officials called the hacker’s bluff and restored harddrives from backups to get systems up and running again.<\/p>\n

what seems like a victorious outcome for sf wasn’t that rosy in the eyes of it pundits.<\/p>\n

“sf\u2019s transit hack could\u2019ve been way worse\u2014and cities must prepare,”<\/strong> was the headline on wired magazine.<\/a><\/p>\n

what’s particularly interesting to us in this situation, is how the hacker was able to access muni systems. the hacker, now known to authorities, actually admitted to sfmta how he was able to thwart their security. it was through a vulnerability in oracle primavera p6 enterprise project portfolio management<\/a> (eppm) software<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

he wrote, “read this and install patch before you connect your server to internet again,\u201d<\/em> including this link<\/a> to an oracle security advisory page for oracle weblogic, the web engine that primavera p6 eppm<\/strong> runs on top of. the advisory outlines a known \u2018weblogic unserialize exploit\u2019 and was released in november 2015 to patch a hole in weblogic that would allow remote code execution (this is techno-speak for run a malicious program without anyone knowing). it seems as though the staff at sfmta were not keeping up with their patches.<\/p>\n

ransomware attacks of this nature have become commonplace with today’s complex it infrastructure. patching holes in critical systems is a full-time job.<\/p>\n

in a strange twist, authorities were able to hack the hacker’s server <\/a>and discovered his techniques and tools, not to mention an inbox that detailed his previous successful attacks on construction firms. the list included\u00a0pa. based irwin & leighton<\/a>;\u00a0cdm smith inc.<\/a> in boston; indianapolis-based skillman<\/a>; and the rudolph libbe group<\/a>, a construction consulting firm from\u00a0ohio. it\u2019s not known if any of\u00a0these firms paid a ransom to the hacker to regain access to their files.<\/p>\n

the firms above are not large enough to make headlines when hacked, unlike recent victim san francisco muni. but it doesn’t detract from the fact that\u00a0not only are large-sized firms constantly targeted, but small to medium companies are as well<\/strong>. if that’s you, then you need to ensure your protected from hackers who\u00a0are savvy and know about potential vulnerabilities that you might be at risk for.<\/p>\n

how to\u00a0strengthen primavera p6 security &\u00a0prevent\u00a0hackers<\/b><\/h2>\n

1. don’t use the default passwords<\/h3>\n

if there’s one thing i’ve learned over the years as primavera p6 consultant, it’s that primavera p6 administrators<\/a> don’t much care for it’s security features. i would wager that most primavera p6 installs around the world were put in place along with most of the default settings, many of which are not secure<\/span>. most don’t bother to go through the exercise of establishing proper security profiles or other measures.<\/p>\n

sometimes we think “it’s just project data, it’s not like it’s financial data.” true, but hackers can take advantage of any vulnerability regardless and are notorious for using any easy door in\u00a0to gain further access and go deeper.<\/p>\n

one of the main issues with primavera p6 are the database user accounts that the application uses to connect to the database. there are 3 accounts in play here:<\/p>\n